The Curse of Copyright Infringement: Lessons from Pirates of the Caribbean When Disney released Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse…
Defamation Hurts: Hurt Locker’s Legal Battle Defamation—real or perceived—hurts. Defamation can stunt your film, eat your revenue, and damage individuals….
Why Legal Protection Preempts Problems for Your Film As a filmmaker, you’re always thinking ahead. While crafting your script,…
Popularity Doesn’t Erase Copyright Protection Even if a work of art is widely known, that doesn’t mean its copyright protection…
Film Crowdfunding Lawsuits Crowdfunding is a boon of the modern age. The success of online sites for raising money is…
How Well-Known Portraits Create Copyright Infringement The use of a well-known portrait can add a distinctive flair to your production….
Literature and film are much like brother and sister. The two entities share the same narrative art, and often work…
Script Clearance Warning: Midnight in Paris Edition If you’re not sure how vital script clearance is to the success of…
Television Lawsuit Profile: The Six Feet Under Case After Six Feet Under aired its pilot episode over 10 years ago,…
Avoiding Clearance Lawsuits: The John Carpenter Example Avoiding clearance lawsuits is crucial to the success of a film or television…